Thursday, October 3, 2013

#DreamChallenge | @itskianaj

WARNING: This challenge may become addicting!

 I am challenging myself with is going to help me so much in my future.
 Here are the Rules: 

#1. Follow @itskianaj on Twitter, KianaJTv on Instagram, Subscribe to KianaJTv on YouTube, You must #repost this and send/share it to your friends, family, or whoever might be interested.

#2.You must set a time frame for yourself(Ex. 5 months)

#3. It must be a goal that is going to help you in your future.

#4. State what you want for your #dreamgoal. (Ex. MacBook Pro), and why do you want it (I want it because it’s going to help me further myself in my YouTube career and also my business.)

#5. If you decide to take pictures, video , comment, or reply to me use the hash tag #DREAMCHALLENGE and @itskianaj (For twitter users). And/or use @kianajtv (for Instagram users. Don’t forget where this came from!! 
You saw it here first so Favorite, Post, do whatever to support me and this trend that I created.

Remember don’t get discouraged! 

Keep your head up and we will do this together!
 Links listed below to participate. LET’s GO!!!!!!

If you would like to do anything to support #DREAMCHALLENGE such as, makeup looks etc like the one above free to do so. Follow me and tag me in it so I can see it too!

Remember to forget to....
Embrace your beauty!!