I am so excited to get my first blog post up! So welcome all of my beautiful
people. I 'm here to tell you about almost everything lol :)
This is a picture my new weave that I got done January 29th, 2012 (Oprah's birthday) Yes I know I'm a few months late but... better late than never .. RIGHT?!
I've gotten this done and the $50 weave shop around where I live for my birthday.(January 30th)
My stylist Patrice did a wonderful and amazing, job!!
So sadly I or should I say my mom had to buy 2 packs of weave plus mom had to pay to get it done
Details: (2) 12- inch "100% Human Hair" Weave
Style: A- Symmetrical bob with bangs (ask for it styled "feathered")
Time: Took less than an hour
I got a net. with a "Platinum Package" I believe. A net means complete closure none of your hair is gonna peak through and say "hello". I have to admit that in the back my new growth showed. It was coverable unless I hold my head down for too long. That net was a nightmare to my scalp i could not get to it to scratch it..Moisturize it..nothing! The only way I could scratch it was with a rat-tail comb that's it!
My stylist suggested to me that I should gotten a shorter weave b/c i was cutting off my money...my mother's money lol. So i you like my length try and get a 10-inch or of you want yours longer go ahead.
To keep your weave looking good she told me to don't put anything on it!! Not even mousse!! Some days I broke the rule I had to put some oil b/c it was looking a bit dry. So I put a dime size in the palm of my hand of "Carol's Daughter Tui Oil" wrapped it and went to sleep. Before I used to put a bonnet on and straighten it in the morning which was a hassle a lil bit.
After a while it got stiff and frizzy so my auntie told me to blow dry it so I did. That was a MIRACLE! One night I blow dried it with a brush while wrapping it at the same time. Fell Asleep. Got up.. brushed it out. FAB-U-LOUS. It was so sleek, and straight a few people though it was my real hair.. unless they lied to me. But it looked really gud. Go check it out sometime and don't forget to....
~KianaJ ~
man that looks really good. /i don't wear weave but if i did i think i would get that style. You've seen my hair i have too much of it to even have a reason to get weave. oh well. * shrugs*