Saturday, September 28, 2013

DIY Packaging: The Photography Business Box

Hey loves. When you are creative you make some of the most beautiful things. I happened to make a handmade package for one of my wonderful customers. As you know( or if you can tell) I like purple....ALOT! So why not include it into something I love right? RIGHT! SO here's a sneak peak. The only reason I am doing a sneak peak is because I have some business stuff to handle such as... getting my name protected then out with the full PACKAGING PUBLICITY. So when  get it protected then I will DEFINITELY Share and maybe a HOW TO Video maybe??? But I need feedback from you so lettme know.

(Prefer white box with lid from Michaels)
Paint brushes
Color of paint My choice: Purple ( acrylic )
*If the box has a smooth surface you don't need a primer
(Optional) Letter Stickers
(Optional) Bow

Step 1: Change into clothes you wouldn't mind getting dirty

Step  2: Get a towel to put down (So you won't mess up the surface/floor)
Note: This acrylic is washable

Step 3: Pain box in 1 direction. One coat at a time  TIME FRAME: More than an hour (May apply 3 coats)

Step 4: Let dry

Step 5: Add on additional items such as stickers, bows etc.

If you did this project and want to send me a picture. Follow me on Instagram +KianaJTV and include @kianajtv to your post so I can see it also on twitter @itskianaj :!

Thanks loves and don't forget to...
Embrace your beauty!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thrift Store Back to School Haul ft. Target and Plato's Closet

Wow! Who knew that you can get so many cute items for so cheap, but with quality! In today's economy the struggle is real, and you have to do what you gotta do. So I went to Plato's Closet near where I lived and WHA-LA!! Magic happened I was so excited and grateful I had the opportunity to do so. To see what I've got look here:

Thanks for watching!
Don't forget to...
Embrace Your Beauty!!